Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chris's First Video in YouTube

I guess I should take heed of actually looking at the camera next time. Jeez! I hope to have time to re-record. Always interesting to see yourself on video - seem to find all those little flaws....Well, for a first one done quickly, it's okay. Actually, I'm on vacation and don't have an iPhone, but wanted to keep up!

This video is for EDU-150A class - Syllabus Creation - for adjunct faculty. I actually need to create this for all sections. I like the fact that it's not 'formal', but could use some polishing, definitely!

Here's a link to the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osnOiwOADzo

1 comment:

  1. The sound is nice an clear.

    It takes some practise to remember to look at the camera lens! Though we're so used to this "off-camera-eye-making-a-video-on-the-computer" look that most people don't blink an...
